Friday, June 4, 2010


I am pleases to begin the launch of this blog with the close of Lakeville South Highschool's production of Seussical: quite the adventure. Rebekah and I have traversed full circle making our debue at the Highschool for last Spring's musical "The Music Man," and have gladdly managed to fit every show since then into our schedule, I as their Technical Director and Rebekah the Charge Artist. We also collaboratively designed the last three shows at Lakeville South: Seussical, Summertree, and David and Lisa of which I will post pictures at a later time. Out of order, I know, but what can one do. Below is Rebekah's first rendering based from her great sketches (which I have trouble posting) for Seussical. We pretty much based all our subsequent ideas, drafts, and changes from this those and this. You can see the Jungle on stage right and whoville on stage left.

Below is the beginning shell of the set. stacked against the back of the stage wall. We had to roll those boxes on their sides and carry them pretty far a few times to keep them out of the way until we were able to set the stage permenantly. We used pretty substantial supports due to the nearly two dozen kids that would be on top of whoville at a time.

Below you can see a better view of the ramp for running up and sliding down and the hidden trapdoor that is behind the bush next to the main jungle entrance.

Below: A secret behind the scenes glance at the set. Enjoy the peek, now scram your not suppose to be back here.

Here is the opening and closing video clips, excuse the poor quality. If you want to see more you can check them out on youtube.

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